1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman


WEHMAN'S BARTENDEKS' GUIDE^ St.Croix RumPuucb.—Ct^se a large bar glass.) 1 table-spoon Sugar. 3or -1 dashes Lomon Juice. % pony glass Jamaica Rum. 1 wiDG dttss St. Croix itiini. . Fill up with ifno ice. Dress top with Iruit and berries. Serr with a straw. Tip-Top Puucli.—CDae a large bar glass.) 3or J lumps of ice. 1 pony of Brandy. 1lump of Sugar. 2slices Pineapple. 2slices Orange. . 1 or 2 dashes Lemon Juice. Serve Pill with champagne. Stir well. Dress with fruits.- oorv with a straw.

Vauilla Puncli.

1 table-spoon Sugar dissolved in a little water. 3or 4 dashes Lemon Juice.

2or 3 dashes Cura?oa. 1 wine glass Brandy. 1 pony glass Vauilla Cordial.

,„ FUl with fine ice. Mix well. Dress testily with tierrles an fruit in season and serve with a straw. Or you can flaior wi a little Vanilla extract instead of the cordial.

HotWliiskey Puncli.—f Use a hot whiskey glass.) n The juice of half a lemon,one ortwolumps of sugar dissolved in one wine glass hpt water. 2 wine glasses Scotch or Irish "Whiskey. , f Fill glass with boiling water and place on top a thin siu^ u lemon or a piece of the peel. Some grate a Dttle nutmeg on top. Always place ice before the customer, and allow " to remain in the drink, in order that the partaker j' ' age can help himself to ice, should the mixture be too hot lor him. ApplePunch. In china bowl lay alternate layers of sliced apples lemons, each layeh being thickly strewed with powdered sugar, until the bowl is about half filled ; then pour a bottle of claret over the fruit and let it stand six hours. Pour it through a muslin bag,and it is ready for use.

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