1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman




Imperial Pliucll.—(One(ifiart ofpunch.).

1 bottle of Claret. I bottle of Soda Water. 4. table-spoonfuls of powdered white Sugar, dissolved in

a little of the Soda Water.

X tea-spoonful of grated Nutmeg. 1 liqueur-glass of Maraschino. About X pound of Ice. 3or4slices of Cucumber Rind. Put all the ingredients into a pitcher and mis well.

Royal Pimcli.—(For a smallparty.)

1 pint of hot Green Tea. X pint of Brandy. X pint of Jamaica Rum. 1 wine glass of Cura90a. 1 wine glass of Arrack. Juice of two Limes. A slice of Lemon. White Sugar to taste.

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1 gill of warm Calf's Foot Jelly.

To be drunk as hot as possible. This is a composition worthy of a king,and the materials are admirably blended; the inebriating effects of the spirits being deadened by the tea. Whilst the jelly softens the mixture,and destroys the acrimony of the acid and sugar. The whites of a couple of eggs well beat up to a froth, may be substituted for the jelly where that is not at hand. If the punch is too strong, add more green tea to taste.

United Service Puneli.—

X pint of Arrack. 1 pint of Jamaica Rum. 'A pound of Loaf Sugar. 3 pints of hot Tea. (1 Lemons.

Rub off the peel of four of the lemons with some of the sugar. Dissolve the sugar in the tea; add the juice of all the lemons, and the Arrack. Serve cold.

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