1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman



Fedora.—(Use a large bar glaaa.). 1 pony of Brandy. 1 pony of Cura^oa. Vi pony of Jamaica Bum. pony of Bourbon.

1 table-spoonful of powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. 1 slice of Lemon. Fill the tumbler with fine Ice; shake well and ornamtnt with berries or small pieces of orange, serve with a straw.

Ale Sangaree.—(Use a large bar glass.) 1 tea-spoonful of Sugar.

y^. wine glass of water, dissolve with a spoon. Fill up the balance with Ale, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. It is customary to ask the customer if he desires Old, New or Mixed Ale ; if he desires New Ale, you must prevent the foam from running over the glass; attention must also be paid to the temperature of the Ale,so as to have it not too cold or too warm. Brandy Sangaree.—(Use a small bar glass.) 1 or 2lumps of ice. y wine glass of water. Yz table-spoonful of Sugar. 1 glass of Brandy. Stir up well with a spoon; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve; strain if desired.

Gin Sang-aree.

Yz tea-spoon sugar dissolved In a little water. 1 wine glass Holland Gin. 1 lump of ice. Stir with a spoon j put about a tea-spoon of sherry on top, and

Porter Sangaree.—fVse a large bar glass.) y table-spoon sugar.

3 or 4 lumps of ice. Fill up with porter. Stir weU; remove the ice; grate nutmeg on top, and serve.


Same as above.

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