1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman
Continental Sour.
%tea-spoon sugar, dissolved In water. Juice of 54 0- Lemon. 1 wine glass Whiskey or iiquor as desired ; flue ice; shake weil, and strain into a sour giass, and dash with claret.
Egg Sour.
1 table-spoon powdered sugar. 3lumps of ice. 1 egg. Juice of 1 Lemon. Shake thoroughly; seiwe with straw; nutmeg grated on top.
Gin Sour.—fUse a large bar glass.) 54 tabie-spoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of Lemon Juice. 1 dash of Lime Juice. I squirt of Syphon Selters water.
Dissolve the sugar and lemon well with a spoon. 54^ filled with fine shaved ice. 1 wine glass of Holland Gin. Mix weii, strain it into a sour glass, dress with a little fruit in season, and serve.
Jersey Sour.—(Use a small bar glass.)
1 large tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar dissolved in a little water. 2 or 3 dashes of Lemon Juice. 1 wine glass of Apple Jack. Fill the glass with shaved ice, shake up, and strain into a claret giass. Ornament with berries.
St. Croix Sour.—("Use a large bar glass.)
54 tabie-spoon sugar, dissolved in a little Seltzer water, '/i' of a Lemon saueezed into the glass. /'\ q iu 54 glass fine ice. 1 wine glass St. Croix Eum. Stir well; strain into a sour glass; dress with fruit In season, and serve.
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