1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman
Brandy Slirub.—(To make three quarta.) 2 quarts of Brandy. 1 quart of Sherry.
2pounds of loaf- sugar dissolved in sufQclent water. 5 Lemons.
Peel the rinds of 2 of the lemons,add the juice of all five, and mix with the brandy. Cover it close for three days; then add the sherry and sugar, strain through a jelly-bag and bottle.
Kum Slirub.—(To make nearlyfive gallona.)
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3 gallons best Jamaica Bum. 1 quart of Orange Juice. 1 pint of Lemon Juice.
j 6pounds of powdered sugar dissolved in sufBcient water. ) -j 3 pints of fresh Milk. 4' Mix together all but the milk, and let them remain closely covered over night. Next day boil the milk; and when cold, ! add it to the mixture. Filter through a flannel bag lined with blotting paper, and bottle, corking immediately.
Raspberry Sbrub.—fUse a bowlfor mixing.) 1 quart of Vinegar. 3 quarts of ripe Kaspberries.
After standing a day,strain it, adding to each pint a pound of sugar, and skim it clear, while boiling about half an hour. Put a wine glass of brandy to each pint of the shrub, when cool. Two spoonfuls of this, mixed with a tumbler of water,is an excellent drink in warm weather and during a fever.
Jobu Collins.—C Wse
table-spoonful of sugar. 2or 3 dashes of Lemon Juice. 2 dashes of Lime Juice. 4 or D small lumps of ice. _ 1 wine glass of Holland Gin.
.. . . Pour in a bottle of plain soda, mix up well, remove the ice and serve. Care must be taken not to let thefoam of the soda water run over the glass while pouring it in. This^ drink must be taken as soon as mixed,or it will lose its flavor.
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