1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman
Brandy JFiz.—(XJae a large bar glaaa.J tea-spoon fine sugar.
Julco of half a Lemon. 1 wine glass Brandy.
1 or 2 dashes of -white of Egg. ^ glass line ice. Shako well. Strain into a flz glass; fill up with seltzer or vlehy. This must he imbibed Immediately.
Gin Fiz.—(Uae a large bar glasa.) table-spoonful sugar. 3 or 4 dashes of Lemon Juice, glass of shaved ice. 1 wine glass of Old Tom Gin.
Stir up well with a spoon, strain it into a large sized bar gla._ fill up the balance with Vlehy or Selters water, mix well ant serve. Bear in mind that all drinks called Pizes, must be drank as soon as handed out, or the natural taste of the same Is lost to the customer. Golden Fiz,—(Uae a large bar glaaa.j 1 table-spoonful of fine white sugar. 3 dashes of Lemon or Lime Juice. The yolk of 1 Egg. 1 wine glass of Old Tom Gin. 2 or 3small lumps of lee. Shako up thoroughly,strain into a medium bar glass, and fill it up with Seltzer water.
Morning- Glory Fiz.—(Uae a large bar glaaa.) nil the glass three-quarters full with fine lee. Mis 3 or 4 dashes Absinthe In a little water. 3dashes Lime Juice. 4or 5 dashes Lemon Juice.
1 table-spoon sugar. The whltd of 1 Egg. A wine-glass of Scotch Whiskey. Shake well in a shaker and strain; fill balance of glass with Seltzer or Vichy water. To be drank immediately, or the effect will be lost. It is a morning beverage, a tonic and a nerve quieter.
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