1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman
Vermoutli Frappe.—(Uae a large bar glaaa.j 1)4 pony French Vermouth. ^ glass flUed with shaved ice. Fill up with cold Seltzer water.
Knickerbocker,—(Use a small bar gla*».) )4 a Lime or small Lemon. 3tea-spoonfuls of.Easpberry Syrup. 1 wine glass of Santa Cruz Eum. 3 dashes of Curacoa.
Squeeze out the juice of the lime or lemon into the glass, add the rind and the other materials. Fill the glass one-third full of fine ice, shake up weli, and strain into a cocktaii glass. If not sufficiently sweet, add a little more syrup.
Knickerbein.—(Use a sherry wine glass.) j/j of a wine glass of Vanilla Cordial.
1 yolk of Egg,which carefully cover with Benedictine. ' K wine giass of Kummel. 2drops Angostura or Boker's Bitters. The same ruie is here applied as in making Pousse Cafe, viz.: Keep coiors separate and the different portions from running into each other.
Brunswick Cooler.—(Uae a large bar glass.)
Juice of 1 Lemon. J4 tabie-spoon powdered Sugar. 1 bottie cold Ginger Ale. Stir well; dress with fruit, and serve.
Bocky Mountain Cooler. 1 Egg beaten up.
yi table-spoon powdered Sugar.
Juice of 1 small Lemon. Add cider, stir weli, grate a little nutmeg on top, if desired.
Pcacliand Honey.—fUse a small bar glass.) 1 table-spoon Honey. 1 wine glass Peach Brandy, Stir well with a spoon, and serve.
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