1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman


Peppermint Cordial. Boil 12 pound.g brown Sugar in 2 gallons of water, add ounces of Alum and remove the scum as long as it rises, then add yi, ounce of Oil of Peppermint,5 gailons of pure Spirits,7 gailons of pure soft water, mix well by stirring and let it stand 2-1 hours, when it will be ready for use. Wintergreen Cordial. To 3 gallons of pure rectified Whiskey add 30 drops of Oil of Wintergreen,cut in^ pint of Alcohoi,2gallons of water and 3 quarts of simple Syrup, mix well together,let stand for 12 days, and then draw off ready for use.

Carraway Cordial.

% oz. English Oil of Carraway. 31^ pints of Spirit of Wine(60 O.P.) 13 pints Cordial Spirit. Dissolve the oil in the spirit as above,add the syrup, and if necessary fine with alum and tartar.


20 lbs. best lump Sugar. 10 pints water. ^ 1 drachm Acetic Acid, strong.

Boil the sugar in the water tiU it is all dissolved; add the acetic acid, and allow it to remain ten or fifteen minutes on the fire; remove and allow it to cool; then decant; clear into a bottie or jar.

Marascliino Cordial.

31^ gallons 95 per cent. Spirits. 7 gallons white Syrup. 1 gallon Peach Juice. Flltei through canton flannel; bottle for use.

Ginger Gin. Take of best Jamaica Ginger, bruised small, half a pound; boil it in one galion of water, and strain through fine muslin. In this dissolve ten pounds of refined Sugar by means of a gentle heat. Over the bruised Ginger which remains in the muslin strainer, pass one gallon unmixed Gin(O. P.), mix this and the Syrup of Ginger together, add finings, and set aside to clear.

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