1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman
When you bottle Cider in warm weather, do not cork it im mediately, but let it stand 2 or 3 days, so that it may become flat. If the cider should happen to be too flat when you are about to bottle it, put a small lump of rock candy and four or five raisins in each bottle, but do not do this unless you are going to use it shortly. Cider should be well corked and waxed,and stood upright in a cool place. To fine and improve the flavor of 1 hogshead,take: 1 gallon of good Brandy. yi ounce of Cochineal. i 1 pound of Alum. n 3pounds of Rock Candy. Bruisethem wellina mortarand add them tothe brandy,letting stand for two days; then mix the whole with the cider, and bung up the cask tightly and let remain for about six months; if fine enough then bottle it.
Cheap Ciderfrom Raisims.
Take seven pounds of raisins and wash them well in four or five waters, until perfectly clean, then put them into a cask with the head out, and pour three gallons of water on them; after which cover up well and let stand for 8 days. At the end of that time rack the liquid off into another cask, let it stand for about five days,when it will be ready for use.
ToKeep Cider Good.
Take the cider when you think it will suit your taste, put it into a clean kettle, then take^of a pqund of hops, put them in a bag and tie them to the handle of the kettle so as they will hang down inside, but nottouch the bottom ofthe kettle. Put the cider on the fire and let it boil a short time,scumming it whilst boiling; then let it cool and pour it into a cask, adding 1 pint of fresh brandy. Bung up tightly. This cider, so pre pared,will keep for years.
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