1892 Drinks of the world



This illustratidn dates 1608 as "A Sciographie or Modell of that stupendous vessel which is at thi^ day shewed in the Pallace of the Count Palatine of Rhene in the citie of Heidelberg." A iiiodel of this Tun was shown at the German Exhibition held in London, 1 89 1, Its capacity was eclipsed by a famous tonneau, elaborately ornamented with allegorical figures, etc., which was shown in the French Exhibition of 1889. It would hold 200,000 bottles af Champagne, and canrse from Epernay. It had to be drawn by a large team, by road, and the French press was full of its imaginary adventures on its journey to Paris. said to be generosity, dryness, fine flavour, and endur- ance of age. The dyspeptic will learn with delight that the strong wines of the Rhine are extremely salutary, and contain less acid than any other. It is also averred that they are never saturated with brandy. Liebfrauejimilch ^ is grown at Worms. It ^ This wine is said to profit much by a quiescent state of the air afforded by the town wall.

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