1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)
Introbuctton to Jtti*e& H3rink0,
To those who do not find the following useful in its details for their own use, I express my congratula- tions and esteem as a business associate. To those who do find it a guide I wish to express my assur- ance that they will find this work an absolutely and indispensably correct one to work by, provided they understand and practice it. You may travel all over the country, and you will find my practice a good one. In discharging your duties you will find many little hints you will not be able to practice for not having the facilities to do so, but I may say I have at least shown you how it ought to be made and executed. It must be left to your own judgment to follow the directions given herein the best way you know of, and leave out what ought to be left out, because your position does not offer you the oppor- It should be borne in mind: Not everybody can advance so as to be- come an artist in tending bar, but we all should learn, and try to improve by all means that are offered. I am far from believing it possible to become a practical man by simply studying this book, but while doing so, you will get an essential and true idea of how to become a 107 tunity. I have mentioned in this work everything that is necessary for a theoretical experience.
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