1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)


WHILE having been active for a period of more than thirty years in the line of hotel and bar business, and having given my greatest care to mixed drinks partic- ularly, I have found them to be great favorites among connoisseurs. Repeatedly the desire has been expressed to me as to where to obtain satisfactory and reliable information how to prepare such delicious mixtures. A great num- ber of men received such information from me, as far as a few minutes' conversation could teach anybody. The oftener, however, such questions were repeated, the more established became within me the conviction that there was among the public a general desire for a book containing all advices of such a kind. The result of this conviction is this book, that hereby is handed over to the public. Feeling that I had to place on the market only a first- class manual, in all its details and instructions, I have given it the most particular care and study. Utmost diligence and attention have assisted me to express my thoughts in clear and exact terms, so as to enable any one, even private persons, to understand and compre- hend how to obtain the most satisfactory results. I might compare mixing drinks with the working in

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