1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)



Bon Botre.





large glass with ice, l /i

of maraschino,

Y-LQ of anisette, /io of creme de roses, YIQ of creme de vanille, l / ro of parfait amour, y io of creme de the (tea), Ko of celestine, I /I Q of creme de cocoa, l /io of fine old brandy, y^ of Benedictine. Shake well, strain, and serve in fancy glasses.

118. Brahmapootra.

An egg, and a spoonful of sugar in a glass,

a little lemon-juice; fill your glass with ice; i pony of brandy,

i dash of creme de roses, i dash of creme de mocha, i dash of creme de vanille, a little cream.

Shake well, strain, and serve.

119. Brantm


A mixing-glass,

a little sugar, a little plain water, enough to dissolve it; fill the glass % full of ice, stir this well ; a drink of brandy; mix again. Pare a round, clean lemon; place this on the inside of a wine- glass; strain your mixture into it, and serve.

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