1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)




A pony glass,

Y$ of maraschino,

l /s of curagao, l /s of brandy; each separate.

and serve.

Light it

146. Sljerrg lilUr.

The yolk of an egg in a mixing-glass, a spoonful of sugar, a drink of sherry wine,

i dash of creme de roses, % full of ice.

Shake this well, and serve.

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A mixing-glass with the juice of half an orange, the juice oi % oi a. lemon, Yz spoonful of sugar,

the yolk of an egg, Yz pony of brandy,

Yz pony of benedictine, YZ pony of maraschino,

i dash of curagao, dash of anisette, i

i dash of parfait amour, i dash of noyeau, 3 ponies of pure cream.

shake it extra well; strain into a

Fill your glass with fine ice,

fancy glass; ornament the top with the white of an egg, that you have beaten up to the form of frozen snow, and sweetened with sugar; serve with a spoon.

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