1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)
194. Jporter Scmgaree.
A long, thin glass,
a spoonful of sugar, fill your glass with porter. Stir very well, add a little nutmeg and squeeze a little lemon- peel on top. 195. port-ttHnc Sangam. A mixing-glass with fine ice, 3 dashes of gum, i glass of port wine. Stir this very well, strain into a fine, tall glass, cut a few slices of a peeled lemon, drop them in the drink, grate a little nutmeg on the top and present. (Other sangarees may be prepared the same way.)
196. Stye JJrimnwe.
long, thin glass,
the juice of half an orange, ^ spoonful of sugar, i dash of mineral water,
I dash of parfait amour, % of sherry wine, y$ of port wine. Mix this well; fill your glass with ice; ornament with fruits and ice-cream.
l)e |Jra0. The white of an egg in the bottom of a glass, 3 dashes of lemon-juice, i spoonful of sugar, % of whiskey, i dash of St. Croix rum,
i dash of calisaya, i dash of absinthe.
shake well, strain into a fizz-glass,
Fill your glass with ice,
and fill
the balance with Seltzer.
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