1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)

317. 2UmriroL

Boil one bottle of claret with one-half pound of sugar, a stick of cinnamon, and a piece of vanilla for a quarter of an hour; add the yolks of six eggs that have first been beaten in a tumbler of cold wine; beat the drink into foam over the fire, and serve it in cups. 318. aie /lip. This is a kind of warm beer which is very fashionable in Eng- land during the winter, and it is taken by sportsmen early in the morning before starting for the hunt. The recipe follows: one and a half quarts of ale,

320. ftlltaittt ire

Take the yolks of eight eggs, stir with one pound of pulver- ized sugar and the juice of two oranges; heat two bottles of claret with a stick of vanilla to the boiling-point; add the wine under continuous beating to the eggs and sugar, and pour the foamy drink into champagne glasses.

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