1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)




Rub the rind of two lemons, and of one bitter orange on seven ounces of sugar; put it in a tureen, squeeze the juice of the fruit over it, add one and a half pints of boiling water, stir until the sugar is dissolved, add one pint of rum, half a pint of brandy, and two tablespoonfuls of noyeau, and serve in glasses. 358. 2lno%r. One ounce of tea is steeped in two quarts of boiling water; strain the tea over three-fourths pound of lump-sugar, on which the rind of four or five bitter oranges has been rubbed off; add a bottle of Santa Cruz rum, and serve. 359. Jktsci). Rub the rind of three lemons on twelve ounces of lump-sugar, add two quarts of boiling water, and three quarts of hot claret, and serve as soon as the sugar is dissolved. 360. Jltp. One and a half quarts of beer are heated to boiling, with a stick of cinnamon, a small piece of ginger, two or three cloves, and some lemon-peel ; meanwhile mix the yolks of four eggs with a large wineglassful of rum or arrack, two or three tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar, and a small spoonful of corn-starch ; add this, while continually stirring, to the beer; pour it a few times from one vessel into another, strain through a sieve, and serve in cups. 361. Jruit Jtoncl). Boil three quarts of water with twelve ounces of sugar, and the juice of two or three lemons: mix this in a tureen with one quart of Santa Cruz rum or arrack, and one quart of raspberry or cherry syrup.

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