1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)



matic, and alcoholic ;

consequently they must work

upon the body most effectively This is the reason why William's concoctions are longed for by everybody that can afford it, and why they have obtained so wide a fame and reputation. and pleasingly.



" Milk is the wine of the young

and wine is the milk of the aged." An intellectual use of alcohol leads to health and happiness, while its abuse naturally is detrimental; but this book is written for thinking people. Statistics, as well as personal experience, tell us that people enjoying the use of liquors in a reasonable man- ner, reach a higher age and enjoy a better health than those that are totally abstinent; still worse off are those who want to make others believe that they drink nothing, but are abusive behind their screens. All countries and states, where prohibition is not sanctioned by law, are on a higher moral level than those where liquors can be secured only under viola- tion of the law. In numberless cases of sickness physicians do not hesitate one moment to prescribe to the patient medi- cines containing alcoholic stimulants especially when it is required to strengthen the body. Why should be detrimental to the strong, what is useful for the weak

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