1892 The flowing bowl when and what to drink (1892, c1891)


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will take great care to leave a wreath of hair, in order never to be taken for a " Tub." From afar you may distinguish with comparative surety the one that does not drink (Sering) from the one that drinks (Tjedo), respectively, the Mohammedan from the heathen or Christian. Both hate and despise each other, and some tribes, as the Diobas and the Sarrars, shoot every Mo- hammedan at sight. On the other side, ask a believer in Islamism what should be done with a drinker, and he will make a significant motion with his hand around the throat, and in most cases a drinker is beheaded on the spot. But as the proverb says, " II y a des accom- modements avec le del" the teetotalers help themselves by swallowing rather large quantities of cologne-water.

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