1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Cold Punch. [Use large bar glass.)

1 pony of a rrack, 1 pony of port wine, 1 pony of water, 1% tablespoonfnl of sugar, juice of J,fi of a lemon. F ill gla s with ice, stir with s poon.

Col d Whiskey Sl ing . [Use small bar glass.]

1 teaspoonful sngar dis olved in Yz glass of water, a pieces of ice, 1 wine g lass of whiskey. Stir well, grate nutmeg on top.

Curacao Punch . [Use largo bar glass,)

3 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar, juice of X of a lemon, Yz wine glass of water. Stir well with a spoon, fill glass with fine ice, ;!! wine glass of brandy, 1 pony of rod curacao, Yz pony of Jamaica rum, mix well, dress wit h fruits, sip with straws. Champagne Cocktail. [Use Champagne goblet.] 1 lump of sugar, 1 d ash of bitters, 1 piece of lemon peel, 1 slice of orange,~ glass of shaved ico, fill with champagne, mix well. C entury Club Punch. [Use la rge bar glass.) % pony of Jamaica rnm, 1 pony of Santa Cruz rum, 2 tea– spoonfuls of fine suga r, juice of half a lemon, 1 wine glass of water, fill with ico, n1ix 1 trim with fruits, sip with straws. C a tawba Cobb ler. [Use la rge bar glass.) 1 teaspoonful of fine sugar, 1 tablespoonful water, fill with fine ice, 2 wine glasses of Catawba wine, sha ke well, trim with berries and serve with straws .

Cla r et Pun c h. [Use large gohlet .]

F ill goblet half full of ice, l Yz ponies of brandy, 2 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar, fill with clar~t, mix well, trim with fruit. 11

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