1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Egg Nogg. GENERAL GRANT STYLE. [Use largo bar glass.] 2 teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar, l egg , 4 small pieces of ice. Fill the glass with cider, mix woll. Egg Nogg for Party . [Use la rge punch bowl.l Same as the "Imperial" egg nogg, mnltiplying tho 1 ua11tity or each by t he number of persons to bo served.

Egg Lemon a de. [Use largo bnr glass.]

l tablespoonful fine sugar, 1 egg, 5 dashes of lemon juice, i\.( glass of shaved ice. Fill with water, stir well , stra in int.o large ba r glass.

Plain Egg Nagg . [Use a l argo ba r glass.]

l tablespoonful of sugar, l egg, 1 wine glass of whiskey, ' - glas. of sllaved ice. Fill the glass with milk, shake well, strain, grate nutmeg on top. Fancy or Imperial Egg Nogg. [Uso large bar glass.] l ta blespoonful of suga r, l tablespoonful of cold water, 1 egg, XI glass of fine ice, 1 wine glass of fine brandy, 1 pony of rum , sha ke well, strain into a la rge ba r gla~s. grate n n tmeg on top. F a ncy Whiskey Sma sh. [Uso la rge bar glass.I 2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, ~ glass of wate r, a sprigs of m int., pressed. Fill with sha ved ice, l wino g-Jass of whiskey, stir well , triin with fruit. Fore st City Cooler. [Usr Tom Collins' glass.) 2 or a lumps of ice, rind of a whole lemon , I driuk of whi, key, and st.ir with bottle of imported gi;,ger ale.

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