1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Jamaica Rum Sour. [Use large bar glnss.J

2 teaspoonfuls of fine sugar, d ash of seltzer. 4 d ashes of lemou juice, fill the glass% f.ill of J:ino ice, 1 wino glass of Jamaica rum. i\[ix well, strain into a sour glass, t rim with fruit and serve. John Collins. [Uso largest size bnr glass.j 1 teaspoonful of fine sugar, 6 dashes of lemon iu1ce, wino glass of gin, ~ dozen lumps of ico, 1 bottle of soda , mix well and ta ke out tho spoon. " J. H. B." [Uso cocktail glass.] Vermouth and whiskey frapped. Kentucky Toddy. 1 drink of whiskey , I small lump of ice, 1or 2 da hes curacao, rind of orange, and add nutmeg. U o whiskey glass. Kirschwasser Punch. 1Use large bar glass.] 3 tea•poonfuls of fine sugar, 2 d ashes of lemon juice, 3 dashes of yellow chartreuse, water to dissolve, g_£ glass of ice, J glass of kirschwasser. Mix well, t rim with fru it, serve with straws. Li fe S aver . [Use small puuch glass.] 2 or 3 small Iumps of ice, 2 or 3 d ashes of l<:imon and orange juice, very lit tle sugar, Yz jigger of gin, Yz jigger of vermouth. Stir well with seltzer. l teaspoonful of orgeat syrup, 1 d ash of bitters, 2 p ieces of lemon peel. Fill the glass half full of ice, 1 wiue glass uf brandy. Mix well, stra in into a cockta il glass. Montauk Cockta il. Orange bitters, dash of chartreuse, d ash of gum, gin and vermontl1 . 17 Mikado Cockta il. [Uso srna Ll bar glass.] '

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