1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Sherry and B itters. [Use sherry glass.] 1 dash of bittors, twist the glass unt il the bitters cover the whole inside. Fill with sherry. S a nta Cru z Sou r . [Use largo bar glass.] 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar, juico and skin of ~ of a lemon, ~ wino glass of water, % glass of ice, I wine glass of Santa Cruz rum. Mix weJI, st rain into a sour glass, serve wi th a •lice of lemon. St. Croix Rum Fizz. [Use a large bar glass.] Yz tablespoonful of fine sugar, ju ice of half a lemon, I tea– spoonful of white of egg, fill glass % full of shaved ice, 1 wine glass of St. Croix r um. Mix well, stra in into a fizz glass. fill with seltzer, serve a t once. St . Croix Rum Runch. [Use largo bar glass.] I tablespoonful of sugar, 4 d ashes of lemon or lime juice, 1 squirt of seltzer water, dissoive well. fill the glass with fine ice, 3 dashes of Jama ica rum , I wine glass of St. Croix rum. Mix well trim with fruit, serve wit h straws.

St. Croix Fix. [Use large bar glass .]

2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, 3 dashes of lemon juice, Yz pony of pine– a pple syrup, wa ter to dissolve tho above. Fill t he glass with floe ice, 1 wine glass o f St. Croix rum , mix well, t rim with fruit, serve with straws.

St. Croix Sour. [Use large bar glass.]

2 t,easpooufuls of sugar, juice of h alf u lemon, dissolve the a bove in one d ash of seltzer water, fill the glass half full of floe ice, I wine glass of St. Croix r um. Mix well, strain into a sour glass, servo with slice of lemon on top. 25

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