1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

Some player s permit cl osing •by t h e original l eader, When h e has first ito l ead. If this rule prevails, a pl ayer holding the 'line of ·trumps m ay exchange, notwithstanding t·hM he has not won a triclc The l eader m .a y C'lose either ·before or a fter drawin g from the stock. His adver sary h as no choice, but must follow th e l ea'l cr's exampl e, a nd pl ay eii'rh er wi~h or with– out drawing. After th e l eader has ·Closed, t he dra:wing ceases, a nd the last five or six •l 1•icks (as the case m ay ·be) a re pl ayed, fol'lowing the rul es ·of l)lay of the l•ast six triclrn, ex ce1)t ·th ait th er e is no score foor w inning •rhe l as t trick. If •the player cl•osing m ak es sixty -six or more, h e scor e3 on e, two or three p·oints i>O'ward •th e game, accordin·g to his oppon erut' s oct:n t. If ~he pla y er closin g fails to coun t six.ty-six, or i f his adversair y wins a tricl( after the ogam a is closed, and correc tly announces sixty-six before th e p layer closing a nnounces sixty-six 'the a dver sar y · scoo·es one J)Oin't. if t•h e cl osing player i s thil'ty-~hree or mor e; two points if the ol osing player i s l ess than ·bhirty- three. If a player cl oses before his opponent h as won a trick, a nd fails i:o count s ixty-six th e opponent scor es t11 r ee points. THREE-HANDED '8IX'I'Y-SIX. The deal er g ives rhe ot'her two players each six cards, by t hree a:t a time, commen oing a t 'his l eft, but not lo himself. When the h and is ended, h e scores the same number ·of p·oints as ·th e winn er; but the deal er cannot score beyond six in any ha rrd. 'l'he deal passes i n rotation t-o the l eft. The first ·deal i s a slig h t •adva ntage, as th e d eal er ·must scor'" 'I'he 'Player w ho fi r st m ak es seven wins, and l eavcs ·the oth er two bo play to decide the l ose r . 'I'he loser P.lays the st ake t•o eac'h of the oth er player3, a nd ·has th e first deal next gam e. If, w h en the first pl ayer wJ10 i s out h as to deal n ex t, h e deal s before r etiring, o ther w i s·e t h e l ea1l would •be ·rever sed t o the oth er two pl'ayer s. FOUR-HANDED SIXTY-SIX. The sevens and eights a r e l eft in th e paclc. The player s cut for d eal , a nd for partner s, as at Wh•is t, except tha:t t he ·h1ghest deal s. Th e deal a:nod pl•ay -o-f ·the cards i s conduc t ed as at W hist, except ·eh at a player, unable to f ollow su lot, must trump, if •a'bl e, •ro h ead 'Or win t he triclc, a nd when 32

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