1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

mus t n ot draw until his number is r educed to five. The non-dea.l er , not hav.ing lool;:ed a't his car d, m ay, if ne prefers i't, h ave a fres h -deal. (See law 10, b.) 9. If a card ·is exposed ~n dealing , the adver sary has t he oplli an o'f a fresh deal , the sam e deal er dealing again. 10. Ther e must be a fresh dea l : (a) If t he -deal er dea.l s withou t h aving •th e paclt .::ut. (b) If j he dealer d eal s out of order l e. g., gives the w rong number ·of ca.rds, 1th e error being discov er ed heforc t he trump caird ·is turned up), "Or tu rns up tw'o cards. (c) l'f cher e i s a faced card in bhe pack. 11. l'f a dea.k!· d eal s •ou't "Of -tur·n, ·h e mia y be s t opped a·t .a ny ti1m e 1Jefure the •trump card i s .turne·d; i f not stopped the deal stam•1s good. PLAYING 'AND DRAWING. 12. If a player l ead·s out of t ur·n , or, having announceu a .m arniage, lead~ a wrong ca rd, •t her e is no penalty. H t he a-dversary pl•ays ·to bhe ca.rd l ed, •t he error cmrnot be r ect,ified. 13. If a ])'layer fai,l s ·to d r a w ·when he oug h t, a nd plays a nother card, his adver sary •m ay a How t he offender ro draw a n d pl"oceed w i th the ga m e ; or h e m ay scor e one 1oin·t a nd en d t he >hand. 14. If a p J.ayer d'raws out •of ·h is 'tu l'11, a·ncl his adver sar y follows t h e c1raw, there 1s no •penail ty. If th e adversary discovers t he error 1b e;fore d r a w.i ng, •h e m•ay draw Find proceed 1 \viitih the ga.m e; or ·he m ay score one point and encl the ha nd. 15. :Df a player draws w h en ·he has six car ds in his h ands, his adver sary m ay p r oceed w;t•h ·t he garrie, and r equir e 'th e offender to p·l ay t'he n ext tim e w i Uhout u r awing , or he m ay scor e one ·p oint a n d encl •the .h a n d. 16. If the play ar whose turn ft is t o dra w tirs t lifts two cards in draw ing , his a dv er sar y m ay hav e th em both turned f a{!e upwa rds a n d then cl~oose which h e w lll take. If t he p l ay er "'' hose t urn it i s to d r.a w second lifts two cal"ds, his ru:'lver sary ·h a:s ·th e r ight to see the ·on e im– proper l y l ifted, anrl a:t bhe n ext dra w the t wo top cards are •turned race u pwar d, and the pl ay er not in fault m ay ch oose w hich he w ill take. 17. If, a.fter th€' s tock is exha u st ed, or t·her e is a cl ose. a p'layer d1oes n ot follow su it, w'h en rubl e, he can score no ;H

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