1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

can ·therefore stay in for h alf as much as the other s h av,;, 'had to lJUt UJ;J, wMch tis a percentage in faV'Or o f his taking ·t'he rlsk. This, of course, does not apply if any one h a.s "raised"; ·tha.t is, more t ha n doubled the ante before 1t com es around to -the starbing point. Any one rut the point of going in, must r.mt np as much as double the a nte. and m ay put u p a s much more as he ·pl eases, by way of "ra ising" the ante, in which case ev er y other pl ay er !l'lUSt pUJt up as much as will m al{e his stalrn equal to su ch increase, or else abandon w'hat h e has al– r eady put in. E ach player, as he .m akes gaod and equa;ls the others w ho are in be.fore lhim, can thus increase t h e a nte if ·he chooses, compellin;~ •the 'Others still to com e up to that in– cr ease or to a•ba.ndon t h eir shar e in the pool. Alt! "going in" or "rai sing" of the pool, as well as n.!I bet t ing a i\terwnrd, must be in r egula r order, going around •by the left; n o one going in, m aking gr n ear the n ext deal er. The deal er , passin g around •t'O t11e l eft, will ask each pl ay er in turn •how .m an y car d s he wm hav e, and deal him >th e number '1slrnd fe>r from t'he t op of t he pack, withouc bh elr b eing seen. T h e deal er , -if h e h as gon e in to IJla y for the •P'Oe>I, will i n like m anner h elp himself l ast. The player s m u st throw a w ay th eir aJme ev ery pl ay er i s ·for 'himself and agaln~t a ll e>th er s, and tto t11a t end w lll'l not l et a ny of 'his cards be seen, nor b etray -t h e v a lue ·of 'h

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