1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co
ONCE OUT. 24. Once out of a game, a 11Ia y er ·can never e nter a ga in. (N'O foul h•and caa win under a ny c ircums tances.) THE BLIND AND S'.PRADDLE. 25. 'l'he age a lone can m a im the blind. The next to th.J age ca n stra dd·Ie. But ·the third pla ye r, a f ter the a g e, cainnot begin the stra dd·le. The t hird playe r can s traddlP. the s traddler, a lways within bhe limit. 26. The stra d1le r ca nnot m a im ·the stra ddle a nd r a ise a;t the same time. (Ther e is no rule less observed than the one tlhaJt •the a g e n ever passes. This ru'le, No. 20, s hou1d be faHhfulJly -Observed.) RULES FOR THE JACK-POT. 27. Each pla yer puts up a•s m any cql'ips as the one h a ving t h e age. 28. 'Dhe ·opening ·hand .must h ave a pair J·ack s or ·bet tr,,r. 30. If 1110 pla y er can come in, a noth er chip is a dded by each p la y er , and a s econd round begins. 30. After the opener .to the Ief·t or him a ll of t h e pla y ers can ·com e ln proYidmg ~hey s ee th e amount h e be ts. 31. 'l'he opening be t must be put up be f.ol'e the dra w. 32. The open-er m aJ{eS the first be t. 33. 'l'he ·J.ast •person to be t •is t he 'J)la y er, w•ho is to •.he righ•t of tlhe apener. 34. All r aiises as in poke r a r e in r egula r order. 35. For an error in opening a .ia clc-pot, the pers on h a ving m aJde the mistake -r e tires from th e gam e. The pena lty for the mlistak e Is for him to pu t up a jac]{-pO't equa l 'in chips to tbe one he has enter ed in to in er ror. 36. In the case of -an er ror of this kind, a ny oth er pla y er , to ·t he le J\t of t h e ·pu'tative open er , 'h a ving a pair of j a c!rn or b etter ca n open. 37. 'If -the error ·ls found arter •tihe card-- 1 1ave b een dra wn, a n'd no 1ha nd h as a pair of opener s , •thaL r J t111d of jack-po:s is null a nd v oid. 38. A jack -pot cannot be open ed by a player dra wing for a str a ight or a flus h. Any ·oth er player bu t the opener ca,n draw for what h e 'Pleases. (See '!!h e expla n a tions for this 3JJ)'Par en·tly a rbitra ry rule.) (The la ws governi·ng t h e pl•aying of the ja cJ{-pot r equire remodeJ.!ng. This pecuHa r J)'hase of poker Is not old enoug h to h ave crystalJIIzed It 1n ro illts ·concr e te fol'm . As H I~ 41!
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