1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

in the pack. The MisHgris, in a play er' s ·hand, entitles him to incr ease t:he v a lue of his ·h·a nd. If h e h as a pair, hol ding the Mis·tigris m ak es them thr( e. Wi th threes, the Mistigris makes ;them f our s. V\Tith two pairs it conver ts the h a nd into a ful l. It has a.Ji latitude, m ak es str a ig h ts. flush es, etc. Som etimes i ts power i s diminished, of course by agr eem ent, as .in -a f ull, increasing only 't he l ower p:Lir. A ll el se as in r eg ular poker. - TIGER. '.!'his is a dr -aclful ·innovation . but as i t is occasio na ll y played, w e give it a place in th'is volume. The '.rig er in a hand of poker is the v ery lowest combina tion of cards whi ch can be h eld. F!ve cards, beginning w ith a se ven a n d ending with a deu ce, ·is a Tiger. 'l'hus, seven, six, five, four, a nd deuce, a nd nothing else, is a Tiger . Ther e must be uo pair in it. It can be drawn for. It is su pposed to h e better than a &tr a ight, and no t •as g ood as a flush. A Tiger th en, bea ts threes. BILLIARD AND POOL PLAYING RULES. AMBRJCAN, OH FOUR-DALL GAME. The game i s ·pl ayed with f our baHs a nd ·co nsists of >·I points. E ach Carom, wheth er on the two r eds, or on the white a nd r ed, cou nts on e. A Carom on t he bhree ba lls coun t,; two. R U L E I.-Whoeve r playing ft~o n1 wiiL'hin lhe string against the l ow er cu shions ca n ·bring ·his ball nearest to th e cushion a t w hich h e s~ands, ·is entitled to the ch oice o[ balls a nd the l ead, p r ovid ed t hrut t h e pl ayer 's ba!l in string – ing , h as n ot touched a ny •other ball u po n t he tal>l e, in wh ia11 case, h e loses t h e choice. RULE II.-In l ead ing, the 1>layer' s ball must be pl ayed with sufficien t strength to pass bel ow the dee.p- r ed ball, or h e l oses his choice; but i t must n·ot be played wHh so muc h str en g th a s to r epass the deep-red ba!l che second t ime, after having r ebounded from ·t he foo t of t·he tabl e. In t'h e la tter case, h e looses his c h oice ·of 'balls a ncl l ead, i f his opponent so decides i t. 1s t. The p layer who h as t he "J ay- ou l " must play his ball so as - to r est between th e 1Lep -red a ncl the l ower cushion. 48

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