1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

The next player must hht the white ba:ll before ei th er or th e r eds, before h e can count. RULE III.-The pena lty for a foul stroke Is this : That a player cannot count any JYoints h e m ay 'have made by such stroke, and t hat his adversary is entitl ed to the n ext ])lay. The follO\V'ing .ar e among the strokes called foul : 1st. If elth eT p1ayer u ses his opponen t 's 'ball tu play with , the strok e ·is fou•I; a nd. 'If su ccessful, h e cannot count. provided llh e error is found out before a second sh·ot i s m ade; ·but 2d. Should two or .more strokes ·have been m ade previous to the discovery, t h e r eck oning cannot be disturbed, and tile player m ay continue his gam e wlVh the sam e haH. 3d. If it be round tha t the (}l ay er s ha v e changed balls during the gam e, a nd the change can be bz'ought home to n elt'her party in par ticular , t he ba lls must be oha n ged at t·he r equest of eith er player . 4-th. If the striker pl-ays w hile a n y of the balls a r e in moNon, the strok e i s foul. 5th. If, when in t he act of tal,ing a im, th e pla y er should touch the ball more tha n once. w ith his cue tlh e stroke is con sider ed 1.'oul. 6th. P u shing the I.Jails forwa rd wit·h the butt encl of the cue is foul. 'l'th. If, when t'he r ed ba ll i s forced off the table, Ll1'l s triker, before playing, does ll'Ot see 'that sa'id r eel ball :s r epl a-ced upon -its pr oper spot~supposing suc·h spot lo balls as they a r e, or hav e them r eplaced in ·!

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