1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co



A bsinthe C ockta il. [Use a large bar glass.] jf ILL the glass with shaved ice; 4 d ashes of gum syrup: I d•~sh of bitters ; 1 dashofun isottc; ~ w ineglassof water ; ~.! wino glas of absinthe; sh a ke t horoughly, stra in in a fanc.r cock– A rchbis h op . [Uso a large bar glass.] :!! t a blespoonful powdered sugar; Y,. w ine glass of water ; tail glass, add lemon peel and serve.

2 slices of lemon; 1 wine glass of port ; 2 dashes o f rum ; fill with fine ice, trim with fru it, sip with s tra\vs. Al e S a n garee . [Use la rgo bar glass.] 1)4 tea. poonfu ls fine suga r: water to d issol ve the sugar : fill with ale, grate nutmcir on top and serve. Tho ale must be medium war m. Only old or new ale may be used. A pp le -J ack Fi x . [Use large bar glass.] % glass of shaved ice ;

%: tablespoonful of pow– dered sngnr d issolved in )f wine glass of seltzer or vicby wator; :ti pony of pine-apple syrup; ~ wino glass of apple-jack ; stir, tri m with fru its and servo with straw.

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