1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co
1st. Each player should alt.end strictly to 'his own game, a nd n ev er in terfere wi'bh his adver sary·s, except when :1. fo ul stroke or some other vio'llaJUcm of these rules may c.:i.ll a forfeiture. R U LE JX.-ln a single •game. no ·one, not ev en th e mark– er. has a right to in ter foer e \V'i•t h th e pl ay, or point out an error whic h ei tlher h as ·been or ·is •a'bout to be committerl. The player to w'hose prejud•ice 'th e foul stroke is m ade muse find out for h'imsel f, ex ce1>t in cases where a mulual agr eem ent has ·been enter ed into to invest tlrn umpire wilh suc h a uthority. CU•SH'ION CAROiV1'S. A c ushion carom is. as :th e na m e implies, when the cush– ion js s tru ck by t h e cue-tia ll at ANY TIME befor e EFFF.cnxu A CAROM, either by strilcing the cu sh'ion before a n objec c– ball, or 1Jy taking a cus•hion aJfter con'tact wt11th the latter ball. A ba ll frozen ro a cushion must be play ed at or a \\'
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