1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

6.-If, In the act of playing, the .player disturbs any ball other than h is own, h e cannot m ake a counting strok~ but h e m ay pl ay for safety. Should h e disturb a ball after his h and is ou t and the ball so disturbed l s by the r efer ee placed back as n earl y as possibl e in the position w!1lch it formerly occupied on th e tabl e, the other balls remain ing wher e t hey stop. 7.-Shoul d a player touch his own ·baJil with th e cu e, or other wise, previ ous to playing, i t is foul, a nd counts on;! for his opponent, a nd the player cannot pla y for safety. It sometimes h'appen s t hat the player , after having touched his b a ll, gives a second str olrn, then the balls r em a·in wh er e th ey stop, or a r e b y the r efer ee replaced a:s n early aR possible in their form er posHions, at the option of th e opponen t. 8.-When t he cu e"ba ll i s ver y n ear another , the player shall not p lay without warning 'his adversa ry thait they d;i not touc h , a nd giving him sufficien t time -to satisfy him– self on that point. 9.- W hen the cue-ball 1s in contact with ano ther, the ba lls a r e spotted, and -the pla yer pla Y'S wJth his bal'l in hand. 10.-Playing with the wrong ball is foul. However, should th e player u sing th e wrong bal"I play more than OlHl sho : wi t h it, h e shall be entitl ed to his score jus t the sam e as it h e played w i th his own ball. As soon as his hand is out, the w hi te bans mu•st chan ge pl aces, and the gam e p r oceed as u sual. 11.-In a ll 'the gam es for the J . M. Brunswi ck & .l:la ll!'e Emblem t h e cratoh 'is barred. 'I'he abj ect-ba lls shall be consi dered cro tched w h enev er t h e centr es o·f both lie w i thin a 4\6 inch squa re at either corner of ~he tabl e. When : he object-balls are so with in said square, three counts onl y w ill be a J.loowed, exce·pt one of the object-balls, or both, be forced out of it. In ca se of f a t.lure by ·the pl ayer his ha nd is out, a nd the next player goes on to play with the ba lls in position as l ef t by l ast player. 12.-In this game no player ls allowed t o withd raw b ef ore th e game is out; by so doing h e forfeits the ga m e. The deci sion of the


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