1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

3.-When a player ma k es a miss, or hits a pin before hi'Lting the ba ll, the ball 'Played with shall ·be spotted at the foot of the table. In case of ther e being a ball npon the spot at the foot of the ta.ble, the bal1 shall be spott<:!d upon th e sp-ot neares t the same. 4.- Should •a pl ayer make more tha n thirty-one h e !>llall declare himself "burs ted" befor e a nother stroke is m a de for fhe safe ty of the r es t of the players. · 5.-Jf a player n eg.tec ts to cla im the pool when he had made it, before the n ext play h e must wait until his turn t-o play comes a ga in, when h e m ay decl.a.r e pool ; if anotlhH" ma k es pool in the m eantime, that other is entitled to it. 6.- Any numb-er scored wrong upon the boa rd, .Jhall ·b e corrected before the player whose score is wrong sha ll have played. lf h e neglects to cor r ec t s uch mistake before h e plays, it s h a ll stand as scored upon the board. 7.-Shou id •a player play ou·t 'Of bis turn, he cannot count the pins made by s uch ·a stroke; if h e m a kes p in s euou3h to b u rst hi.m; It is ·his own Ioss,- provided that he was 11ot called ·on to pla y; in s uc h case h e cannot lose b:v it, a nd a ny count m ade •by s uc h stroke is nuH. H e whose tura it was to play, ·wJ1en the other played out or turn, plays next In or der . 8.-Should a J:>la y er, in the a ct of st1'll;:ing a ball, or pia y– ing, knock down pins, ·other wise than with the ba ll played or ba lls played at, h e Is not entitl ed to such pins, or a ny others h e may m a k e by the same strolrn. 9.-Should a player, in the act of playing, touch the ball with the cue b efore t'he stroke is m a de, it sha l1 be declared a m iss, and the ba•H spotted. 10.-The pla y er is not entitled to a ny pins knocked down, unl ess his ta.lly ball be placed in Its proper place in the board. 11.-Sho uld a ba ll roH iaigainst a ·pin, and ca use It to lean over, a nd off the spot, th e pin, w h e ther down or up, must count as down. 12.-S.hou'ld a ball stop on a ny of ·the spots int~nded for the pins, s uch pins •are .['() r em a in off the ta.bile u ntil the spots so occupied become vaca nt, provided suc h pin or pins be down. 13.- Any 'Pin knock ed down by jarring the ta-ble, blow– ing upon bhe ba ll, or a ltering or in ter cept ing its coursa in running, does not count, nor is the pla yer entitled to any 57

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