1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

pin or pins that may ·be made by any ba ll (though not in– terfered with) during the same play. 14.-J:f a player, at one stroke, should lrnor.k down th e four outside pins, and leave the centre pin stand ing, it s ha ll be counted as thirty-one, a nd the playe r ma king th'o! stroke wins the pool. 15.-Players having bursted, ca n c1aim "privileg'l" :1s often a s they burst. The p1ayer draws a n ew priva te IHLll, a nd h as ·tlhen the option -either CYf lreepin·g that which he originally drew, or adop~ing the n ew one then drawn, but h e must r etu·rn one of the other. 16.-If the 'balls a re touching each other or ' "frozen," Lh e pla y er s can pla y with either ·of the baJ.Is s o in conlaer. .straigh't a.t the pins, without touching a nother ball, a!1d any ·count so made Is good, except wlh en the play co nflic ts with Rules 10 and 13. 17.-Tf a pin r emains standing upright, a.Jthoug·h it may be ·moved partly off the spot, it Is up, 'but must be r eplaced on the spot 'before the next play, unless a ball ma y s land so as 'to prevent it, 18.-AH other contilngencies not h erein provided for, a re to be r eferred to the g>ame-keeper, whose d·ecis·ion s h all ·bres ~i,ght 'balls wins tJh e game. The numb'er s on the !balls are simply- u sed f.o r convenience in "caJlling" th'l ball s and l'lo not in a ny way a ffect th e scor e of the players, 58 PYRAMID POOL. THE EXPERTS NEW OHAMPION'SHIP RULES.

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