1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

RULES GOVERNING THE GAME. F'I,RST. The lead shall lbe determined by b a nking, 'but when a series of games is to 'be played, the players may agree beforehand to lead a lternately. The winner of the lead m ay e ither play firs t himse~f frnm within the :;trlng or oblige his opponent to do so. SECOND. All strokes mus t .be m ade wi t hin the point of t h e cue ; ot'.herwlse they are foul. THIRD. A player who first m akes e'lght ba lls wins the game. FOURTH. A p layer s h a ll forfeit one ball for m a lring a miss, lJOcketlng his own ball or fo r cing his own ball ,,ff the table. Should a player ha ving no baJI to his cred it incur a forfeit, the first ·ball h e scores thereafter shall be a t once placed upon the table as provided in rule fifth. FIFTH. H a player pockets one or more af the object– baii'S and his own •baH g oes into a pocket or off the table h e cannot scor e for the numbered balls which must be .placed upon t he deep-red s pdt; or if that be occupied, as n early ·belaw 1t as possible. SIXTH. W11en the cu e-ball 1s in h a nd, 'the player must play from within the string: and h e is not entitl ed to play at any ball which is not outside the ·string. Shou1cl nC1ne of the ba lls 'be ou'tside, that ball which is nearest out8ide tlrn string must be spotted on the deep-red spot, and the player must play for it. SEVENTH. 'Should th e striker touch the cu e•ball In any way except with the point of his -cue, the stroke Is foul and h e forfeits one ball. Should h e touch -th e cue-ball with the point of his cue, and the cue-ba ll fall to touch ?.n ob– .iec t-'ba:ll. h e forfeits on e ball. Should the player dis turb an object-ball, the object-ball mus t b e replaced by the mak er in i'ts original position, and the player loses his ha nd a n d forfe its on e 'ball. EIGHTH. Should the player strike the cue-ball twice it is foul; he forfeits one b a ll and loses 'his h a nd, anti the baHs (if a ny) distu!'bed in con sequence of the second strcke a re to b e placed ·in their former position. NTN'l'H. ·Shou'ld a p!Ayer pl ay out of his turn, It i~ f.-'• a nd th e 'Gal ls must 'be r epl·aced in their former po;i,, ,rdn s. a nd h e whose turn ·it Is to play, plays. TEN'I'H. But should a playe r playing out of his turn make more than on e strok e b efore being checked, the 5D


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