1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co

FIFTEEN-BALL POOL. The fifteen number ed ba its are p la ced in a f orm of a ~riangle upon the table. E aoh p layer is to pocket as many balls as h e can, the nll!lJlber of each ba ll pocketed bt:in·g scored to his cred it, s o tha t not h e who pock e ts the !a rges t number of balls, but h e whose ha za rds, whe n a dded up, yield the larges t tota l, will win the game. Ther e is only one cue-ball (the white) u sed , each pla.~'e?· playing •wi ~h lt as h e finds it on th e table, or from behind -the string if it ·be in hand. The following a r e .the rules : 1.-The pla yer plays from behind the string, as in ;he ordinary game, a nd m ay miss if h e likes ; but the miss, and all ·misses at this g a m e, w ill scor e three a g a inst h im . The other players ·follow him in their order of rotation. 2.-The player may u se t h e m ace (not the butt of fhe cue), a nd j a m his own ba ll agai nst the others, not oeing obliged to withdraw the m a ce before th e c u e-ball comes in contact with the o·bj ect-ba!ll. 3.- As the sum tota l ·of the figures on the fifteen ba lls amounts to one hundred and twenty, of whic h s ix ty-.Jn e is more than half, whoever m a k es !'h e latter number fi!"St is winner; but if one p layer has a forfe it of three p oin ts against him for any cause, a nd the other player scores fifty-nipe, the one hav ing fifty-nine ·POin'fS wins the gam e. 4.- Three points are deducted ·from a player's ;;core for m a king a miss or a los ing h a zard, or forcing the cue-bali off the table. 5.-If a player pockets one or more of the objer:t-b::i.lls a nd his own ·ba'11 at the sam e Lime, he cannot score, and the number ed ba ll s must be pla·ced on the spot, or in u line behind it, If the spot be occu pied; a nd h e forfeits three for his losing h a zard. 6.-A hazard is good In thi s game; even when the cu e and objec t-ba lls are in contact. 7.- A player, when the cu e -ba ll is In ha nd, m ay play from any place within the string a t a n y obj ect-ba ll ou tsi.'le !t. il.-Should none of the object-'balls be outside, he m ay spot that which is n earest out of th e string on the deep -rcJ s pot and play ·according ly. 61

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