1895 Bartender's Guide by Berner-Mayer Co


SIZES .. .. , . .... ,, . , , , .. , ,1 Gill, Ii Pint, 1 Pint . 1 Qtitirt, 2 Quarts• 4 Quart~, 21a 2 a NO ...... . .... .. .... ...... 209 210 211 21~ $11 00 $14 00 PlUCE!PER DbZEN ,, .. $4 00 $4 50 $6 50 $ll 00 PRICE, per set of six Measures, $4 10. Seamless Spun Shakers. All Copper Valve Punnet.

T his F unucJ is a cuinbincd 1\lcasu rr– aod Funnel. T ho best al't ic le of t he kind 0 11 t J 1" ma rket . A trial will convinco 01 10 of its merits. Thc moasure ~auge:": from oa e-balf pin t to one q ua rt. C'

S il ver Lined Ins ide. Nickel Outside. :\o. 8:n, :3~.i in. hig h , 2~i nt top, ench .. ... . ;oo 65 :\o. S:l2. :i 1'. in. hig lo, 37.( a t top, each . 70 \fo. 8.'30, 6 i n. ~Jigh, :39;£ at top. each .... . . 75 ~o. S:·H-, 7 in. hig h, 4 at· top, each ... .. 1 25

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