1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



at hand for the man who can design a non-ahsorptive cork. "It is quite a relief to emerge from the damp,chill home of these millions of bottles of champagne, and to glance at the women above working in the blessed daylight and breathing a more congenial air. Here are sacks of corks, and the dames and girls may be seen giving the impress of Dry Monopole to one cork after another. The cork itself is of the best obtainable quality; with a little search among the stamped pieces, ^ou may discover some of a material as smooth as planed lumber. "The wrapping of the tinfoil round the necks of the bottles and the labeling are also women's work. It is interesting to learn that the red foil bottles are for Germany. They indicate a sweeter wine than that which goes to England. Canning once said.that the man who declared that he preferred dry champagne to sweet lied unblushingly. This was, of course, a candid confession of inexperience on the part of the statesman. His words would he received with polite incredulity among the people ofReims. And certainly,after drink ing a bottle of Dry Monopole here among the models of old champagne bottles during the last century, one has no desire for anything sweeter. My guide told me

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