1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green
thk bar and the man BEHIND IT.
The pertinent points of the fascinating and many- sided snhject of wines and lii^uors have been tieated at considerable length,if not exhaustively,in the forego- ^Ve have passed in leview thiough the various interesting phases and intricacies of the manu facture and blending of liquors, and the mixing of drinks; have noted the medicinal efiects, the prevalent usage as beverages, etc., elaborating here, eliminating or condensing there, as the matter seemed more or less important,and en passant we have been diverted by the curiosities of history and literature connected with the products of still and cask. We have covered a good deal of ground,figuratively speaking—from the Levant to the Western World,and from the time of Noah to the present day—treating our topic in all its bearings upon the object in view,conscientiously striving all the time to be exact in statement, terse in style, particular and concise in the selection and array of facts laborously gathered from custom-house and internal revenue office eports, encyclopedias, trade journals, newspapers, and r
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