1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



no dead weight to carry; it makes no false steps; it loses no time; it takes all hints; and by keeping its eye on the weathercock,is able to take advantage of every wind that blows."

Things to be Avoided.

Deception, discontent, impurity, licentiousness, disease, trifling, intermeddling, aimlessness, egotism, frivolity,flashiness,immoral literature,slander,sarcasm, wit, selfishness, vanity, obstinacy, irritability, anger, and (if possible) sickness,sorrow, debt and poverty. If you have trials, disappointments and afflictions, bear up under them and you will receive sympathy and help. Then lend a helping band wherever you can and where you feel that it is deserved or needed. No people on earth are more kind-hearted,sympathetic and gen erous than men in the saloon business. Though a century old these few suggestions con trasting talent with tact have lost none of their fresh ness and point. It is unnecessary to go into detail. The smart and wide-awake clerk of to-day will make the application and draw the conclusions himself. He will study the living models of successful and popular men in the business, and try to improve on them rather than copy their mannerisms.

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