1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



a knowledge of the art of selecting and combining the cordials, wines, cremes and liquors is really beneficial or absolutely essential. I have been in this line of business many years, an active and observant worker,commencing my career with Messrs. Cbapin & Goi*e. Amid the ebb and flow of life in the palace of conviviality, between drinks, as it were,I ba-^ taken a great many notes mentally, and I now commit them to paper to be launched out upon the sea of literature, a craft bearing the secrets of the saloon as revealed in book form, comprising the art of "tending bar," the mystery of mixing drinks, the etiquette of the saloon, the conduct of bar clerks and proprietors, the literature of beverages, and many tab ulated statements and scraps of information never before published, but very useful to the man behind It is with some feelings of modesty and difiidence that I approach so important an undertaking,but my long experience, my profound interest in the matter, my hearty desire to serve my fellow workers and help to elevate the tone of a worthy profession, are good and sufficient reasons for my attempting authorship. If "tending bar" consisted merely in filling up glasses the counter.

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