1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



FROZEN WHISKY PUNCH. Take two mixing-glasses, fill witk ice, put in one glass a large spoonful of syrup, juice one- quarter lemon, one jigger whisky. Invert the second glass so it will stand on the other bottom up, grasp the two glasses where they join with the thumb and forefinger and turn them so the top glass will he on the bottom, repeat this until yon have enough liquid to fill punch-glass previously cooled; put in fruits; strain into this by holding the glasses horizontally, letting the liquid drain through the small opening where the glasses join. Can use rum and other liquors the same.


Put in mixing-glass large bar-spoonful syrup, two or three sprigs mint bruised slightly; fill two- thirds full of shaved ice, one jigger whisk}?^; stir well, strain in sour-glass with fruit.


Plain whisky, milk on the side.

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