1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



CREME De MENTHE. Fill sherry-glass with fine ice, pour in Creme De Menthe over the ice until glass is full; serve with one straw in glass.

EGG NOGG. Two and a half gallons. Separate the whites from the yolks of one dozen eggs, whip them sep arately—the whites until very'stiff, the yolks until very thin; put yolks in large bowl, add three pounds powdered sugar, stirring constantly to pre vent sugar from lumping, three pints brandy, one pint Jamaica rum,two gallons rich milk. While stirring putin an ounce of nutmeg. If not strong enough to suit, add more brandy, then put the whites on top. When serving, cut off a small quantity of white and put on top of glass with a dash of nutmeg. APPLE BRANDY COCKTAIL. Fill mixing-glass two thirds full of ice, small bar-spoonful syrup,two dashes Caroni or Angos tura bitters, three dashes Curacao,one jigger apple brandy. Stir well, strain in cocktail-glass.

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