1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



OLD FASHION COCKTAIL. ^ Crush in small bar-glass one lunjp loaf sugar, put in two dashes Caroni or Angostura bitters,one piece twisted lemon peel, two or three small lumps of ice, one jigger whisky. Serve with small bar-spoon in glass.


Put in mixing-glass one bar-spoonful sugar, one-quarterlemon with peel on ; muddle; fill glass two-thirds full of shaved ice, one jigger whisky, jigger water, shake well, strain in star cham pagne-glass, nutmeg on top.


Put three or four lumps of ice in lemonade- glass, one jigger raspberry syrup, one wine-glass milk; fill glass with sweet soda.

STONE FENCE. Serve the same as plain whisky, substituting cider for water on the side.

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