1895 Mixed Drinks by Herbert W Green



differing in degree of strength. It derives its name from the celebrated monastery of the Grande Char treuse, established more than eight hundred years ago, near Grenoble in Dauphine,France, where it is manu factured. It is an important source of revenue to the monks, who devote it to the establishment of churches, schools and hospitals. Raki,(Turkish brandy,) a fermentation of dates, gum mastic, roses, etc., is a popular stimulating drink of the Turks. Unlike wine it is not interdicted by the law of Mahomet. It perfumes the breath and destroys the odor of tobacco. To it is also attributed the pi'op- erties of hashish which produces pleasant dreams. Le Petit Pot,the finest Spanish raisins brandied, so named from being served in a small pot-shaped china vessel. SvENSK PuNSCH, the highest grade of Swedish punch. Tio Dubbelt Rbnadt Branvin,Swedish brandy. Bitters, various brands in celery, tansy, cherry, orgeat, etc., etc. Brandies, blackberry, peach, cherry, ginger, etc. Creme de Caee, distilled from Mocha, Java and other coffees,usefulin punches;tonic and anti-scorbutic. Also cremes in cacoa, vanilla, rose, etc.

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