1895 Official hand-book and guide (1895)

I dash of curacoa. i piece of orange peel. Fill glass half full of ice.

Mix, strain into a fancy glass, the edge of which is rubbed with lemon, add a piece of lemon peel.

Egg Sour.

(Use large bar glass.)

i tablespoonful of fine sugar. Several lumps of ice. Juice of i lemon, i egg. Sh'ake well, grate nutmeg on top.

Fancy Whiskey Smash.

(Use large bar glass.)

2 teaspoonfuls of sugar, i glass of water. 3 sprigs of mint, pressed, Fill with shaved ice. i wine glass of whiskey. Stir well, trim with fruit.

Fish House Punch.

(Use small bowl.)

% pint of lemon juice. % pound of fine sugar. }4 pint of peach brandy. % pint of cognac brandy. % pint of Jamaica rum. 2% pints of cold water. Stir well.


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