1895 Official hand-book and guide (1895)

Gin and Wormwood,

(Use small whiskey glass.)

Steep half a dozen sprigs of wormwood in a quart of gin. Serve the same as gin and tansy. Rye Malt and gin.

Gin Cocktail.

(Use large bar glass.)

Fill with fine ice. 3 dashes of gum syrup. 2 dashes of Laroni Bitters. i dash of absinthe or curacoa. i wine glass of gin. Mix well, strain into a fancy cocktail glass, twist a piece of lemon peel on top.

Gin Flip.

(Use large bar glass.)

i tablespoonful of sugar. Dissolve in a squirt of mineral water. i wine glass of gin. Fill glass with ice, shake well, strain into a fancy glass.

Gin Daisy.

(Use large bar glass.)

3>< glass of ice. 3 dashes of gum syrup. Juice of half a lemon. 2 dashes of orange cordial.

{See next page.}


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