1895 Official hand-book and guide (1895)

important to rffWfenders.

The large and constantly increas- ing popularity of Mixed Drinks- makes it advisable to place before the members of this Association, in clear and concise form, the best and newest recipes in use. In order that the members might have the benefit of the experience, not of one or two, but of all the leading saloons, cafes, restaurants and clubs of this city, we have spent much time and labor in collecting, in this Guide,, all information of value bearing on this important subject. Of all those who have profited by simi- lar information obtained through our Association, many have derived very gratifying results and a decided gain in their business from the time of adopting our suggestions. are strictly adhered to, success will necessarily follow. The American people will have the best, and you can be suc- cessful only by giving them the best. It is hardly necessary to state that, of ail mixed drinks, none are so universally popular as the cocktails. Be sure to use the best material and go strictly according to instructions contained in the Guide. If the wilhin instructions

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