1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller
see pages I- to 6.
2. Brandy Punch. I (Use large bar glass.)
table-spoonful raspberry syrup.
white sugar.
I wine-glass water.
do. brandy.
y z' small-sized lemon. 2 I slices of orange. 1 j piece of pine-apple.
F|ill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and drefis the top with berries in season ; sip through a strt'.w.
3. Brandy Punch. (For a party oftwenty.)
i! gallon of water. 3, quarts of brandy. yi pint of Jamaica rum. 2 lbs. of sugar. jjiiice of 6 lemons. i; oranges sliced. \ pine-a])ple, pared, and cut up. 1 gill of Curacoa. gills of raspberry syrup. Ice, and add berries in season. ]Vlix the materials well together in a large bowl, and 0(1 have a splendid punch. 4. Mississippi Punch. (Use lar^e beer ijlass,) [ wine-glass of brandy. I/. Jamaica mm. y, do. Bourbon whiskey, do. water. /■i
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