1895 American Bar-Tender by R. C. Miller



62. Cedrat.

I3?4 drachms of oil of cedrat. Dissolve in 6yz gallons of white plain sprup. Color, yellow.

gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent, and

63. Champ d'Asile.^




8 ounces of caraway-seed. 4 do. grains d'ambrette.

1 yi do. Ceylon cinnamon, ground to coarse pow der; macerate and distil with 3 gallons of alcohol, 95 per cent and 3% gallons of water. Distil the 3 gallons of alcohol from off the water, oand mix the 3 gallons of aromatic spirit with a syrup -jnade of 42 lbs. of sugar and 4^ gallons of water. Filter. 64. Christine.

2 drachms of essence of vanilla. 8 drops of oil of roses. 24 do. oil of neroly. 48 do. oil of cinnamon.

Dissolve in 3 gallons of 95 per cent alcohol; mix it with a syrup made of 42 lbs. of sugar, and 4^ gallons of water. 65. Christophelet. 6 4-5 drachms of Spanish saffron.

14 1-5 do. cinnamon. 4 6-5 do. cardamom. 10 1-5 ounces of figs. 10 1-5 drachms of galanga-root.

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